A Simple Idea :
Simplify your Life

Here is the frame developed to optimize the assembly, wiring and troubleshooting of your automated systems.

The Satie System makes the assembly and the wiring of electrical components inside electrical enclosures easy.

The frame saves time and can be customized to any dimensions or specific requirements.

Discover all the benefits of the Satie® System

Delivered and ready to use

You provide your BOM or panel layout,
Satie takes care of the rest !

The Satie engineering team takes care of the complete conversion as well as optimizing the usable space.
You just need to unpack the frame and install it!

More info
pret-usage.jpg, small], [pret-usage.jpg, medium], [pret-usage.jpg, large]" alt="Delivered and ready to use">

Easy assembly

The Satie® System has been developed to optimize the assembly.
Make your life Easy !

The components are securely screw-mounted or snapped in place on the flexible frame.
The wiring is done from the front with easy wire routing.
It cannot be Easier!

More info
Before after.jpg, small], [Before after.jpg, medium], [Before after.jpg, large]" alt="Easy assembly">